Wednesday 22 February 2012

Fatlip in Dresden, Germany!

Check out this great of Fatlip from the Pharcyde performing in Germany recently:

Thursday 19 January 2012

A$AP Rocky – Always $trive and Prosper

A$AP Rocky – Always $trive and Prosper

Every sev­eral years it ap­pears we all be­come wit­nesses to a spe­cial music tal­ent. The type of tal­ent whose body of work seem­ingly tran­scends be­yond the plateaus of music. Their in­di­vid­u­al­ity and swag­ger: ef­fort­less.

This per­son we refer to is A$AP Rocky, and with all sys­tems going, 2012 is des­tined to be a stel­lar year for him to say the least.

We caught up with the young Harlemite as he dis­cussed some of the inner work­ings of his A$AP fam­ily and some of the things he’ll be get­ting into. “Al­ways Strive and Pros­per” -A$AP

First off, the ques­tion many have been won­der­ing – who is the girl in the “Pur­ple Swag” video?

Anna Perp man, she’s a trill ass chick from Harlem, and yes she’s Cau­casian, gold grill shin­ing, a bad b*tch, and yes she uses the “N” word on a full-time reg­u­lar basis. Well not born, but she lives in Harlem, she's trill as fuck, noth­ing generic about her, not a poser, I just can’t wait for the world to see her. She kind of dis­ap­peared, be­cause she was get­ting a lit­tle too much at­ten­tion. So she's in North Car­olina with her par­ents but she’ll be back soon. She’s trill as fuck, she’s down there breed­ing pit bulls, she’s into that stuff.

How did the term “A$AP” first get in­vented and when was the first time it came up?

It stands for “Al­ways Strive And Pros­per,” and I didn’t join A$AP until 2007. So for me, I used to just hang in Harlem. I was the guy that used to just fuck with all the bitches and get fly shit. At the time, A$AP was a crew out there that didn’t get a lot of recog­ni­tion but they caught my eye be­cause real will al­ways rec­og­nize the real, you know? The down­town (Man­hat­tan) types kind of peo­ple only fucked with A$AP at the time, you know like SoHo.

Then these guys from Harlem kind of filled the gap, be­cause they were re­ally on that shit be­fore it was cool to dress how they dress right now, you know what I mean? These dudes were re­ally doing it at a time when you would re­ally get pa­tron­ized for this type of thing. I felt we shared a lot in com­mon, from our views and re­al­iz­ing we are out­casts and just say “fuck it we’re going to be our­selves.” The game didn’t ac­cept us at first and now it’s like they have no choice, these n*ggas have to love us now.
I joined the crew in 2007 and even­tu­ally more peo­ple have been get­ting down, so I didn’t start it or am I the leader. I just made it hot. The real will al­ways rec­og­nize real.

No doubt. Your mix­tape LiveLoveA$AP re­ceived very a pos­i­tive re­sponse within the in­dus­try and be­yond, so it makes sense to reis­sue it com­mer­cially. When did this move first crossed your mind and what re­ac­tion do you ex­pect from the fans?

I ex­pect the fans to fuck with it, it’s just one of things, it is what it is. I got re­ally, re­ally good feed­back off this mix­tape al­though it was so dif­fer­ent. Yet peo­ple were will­ing to lis­ten to it at a time when the masses were re­luc­tant to get fa­mil­iar with some­thing so dif­fer­ent. But for the most part I got a lot of good re­ac­tion, and we’re going to re­mas­ter it, deluxe edi­tion, dif­fer­ent fea­tures, dif­fer­ent songs, and put it out for pur­chase. It’s going to be cool, it’s going to be a good look and think peo­ple are going to fuck with it.

With a record deal worth $3 mil­lion dol­lars, what are your plans for the A$AP move­ment? Re­fer­ring to fu­ture re­leases and over­all vision...​maybe even be­yond music?

As far as we can go, there’s no limit bro, every­thing, every­thing! I’m so se­ri­ous. We’re so tal­ented and I don’t want to be so cliche but it is what it is. We got song writ­ers, pro­duc­ers, ac­tors, ath­letes, we got some trill ass moth­er­fuck­ers man.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Download Theophilus London's New Track!

It's called "Last Night (Lvrs Anthem)" and it's available for you for free right here.


Tuesday 10 January 2012

Lupe Fiasco & Pharrell Williams Project

Sounds interesting....

Since the release of underground hit “Us Placers” a few years back, the idea of a C.R.S. album has been at the top of everyone’s wish list. Due to conflicting schedules however, a possible legendary album between the three hip-hop wise men has been placed on a temporary hold until they can determine if a collaboration is truly feasible.

Yesterday brought good news however to the C.R.S. fan base, as Lupe Fiasco announced via his website that him and super-producer Pharrell Williams will join forces to release a joint album.

“FOOD AND LIQUOR 2 COMING SOON….LUPE AND PHARRELL ALBUM COMING SOON…” Obviously little is known of either effort, but we do have a feeling Mr. West will take time from his rigorous design schedule to offer his anecdote to the collaborative piece.

As we all anxiously wait for additional details, we must take a look back to the label troubles Lupe went through to release Lasers and hope the same doesn’t happen for the two imminent releases.